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Nika couldn't stand selling another mobile phone at the newest outfit in town. The year was 2000, cellphones had just become more accessible to everyone in Kampala, Uganda.

" Welcome to Bananacom, Yes, this is a dual sim phone, if you buy one you will get 100 minutes free. Yes, it will work in your area".

If it wasn't that well-rehearsed spiel, it was the battle Nika struggled within her head- whether or not to give this man, sugar daddy, boy, or 'summer’ (dude from abroad on vacation) her phone number. Nika was 21, just when your skin glows, breasts firm, smile intoxicates, and body casts spells effortlessly. She was it.

Nika had been an A student all her life and this brain-numbing work at the phone customer service fought hard with the weight of firstborn-hood realities. While the salary at Bananacom was envy-worthy, it couldn't cover her siblings' school fees, family rent, and Nika's general appearance.

The only thing worse was that Peacock of a supervisor strutting around in his ill-fitting suit and Einstein glasses reminding the ladies at the phone counter to smile, to take this job seriously. Nika agreed, they were lucky to be employed but the cash and maddening quiet were not adding up.

Then Robert passed by for a visit.

He was a student in the UK an old friend they were no 'body' urges between them. He invited Nika to a drink to meet a friend from the UK. Nika agreed and met a mature, well-kempt Samson.

Nika wasn't too sure about his age, but it sounded like he had compacted many years into his contained, fit body. She used all the charm and smarts in the world to -get him in one sitting- to see that she had a lot to offer and only needed a hand to get out of Bananacom. Mixed vibes for everyone.

That night, in the outstanding guest bedroom of Samson's host family, they shared a bed and 'all that went with that'. Nika was embarrassed but the exit out of misery was promising. In Nika’s love language, it meant the transaction had been made and Samson being a man of mature age understood this offering, deal sealed. For the rest of his summer break, Samson ensured Nika had pocket money. It had been strange that he didn’t ask for more dates- but it would all make sense later.

Nika ensured that conversations and emails flowed, and she successfully bagged an invitation to the UK. There was one condition though, that she would escort Samsons 3rd bride to be to London. What a hoot!. Nika didn't care, Madam Samson -to- be was her ticket out.


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